Wednesday, December 28, 2011


As 2011 draws close to her end I, as I always do, cannot help but reflect on the outgoing year.  Certainly, I had some struggles, mostly of the heart/emotion kind but I absolutely had more blessings than difficulties.

The lows would be a typical mix of what many, if not most, other people deal with too.  Betrayals and lies by people thought to be friends, thought to be kind, thought to be honest.  Who doesn't deal with that?  Who doesn't have people passing in and out of their lives who choose to use a grain of truth mixed with a mountain of lies for their own personal gain?   Sounds dramatic, I know.  But think about it, is it not true?

 There was even one person, who told more lies than truth, while hiding behind a BIBLE (of all things) that really tried to purposely destroy my happiness.  I spent way too much time trying to figure out what makes a person like that tick ... and ultimately decided they are answerable to God, not to me.  

So those silly incidences aside, just how 'ugh' was my 2011?  Not so bad really.

Especially when I look at the news.  When I acknowledge the tragedies shared there,!!!   Blessed, I am.

Locally speaking many people I know and care about suffered great losses in 2011 or fought/are fighting serious, serious troubles/illnesses.   They too, focus on their BLESSINGS and that inspires me,  blesses me. THEY inspire me.

So, this note is shorter than last years because I am focused on one thing:  blessings!!  I cannot list them all -- there are simply too many.  But a few would be (in no particular order):
  • My family:  Losses and struggles ocurred and my heart focuses on two.  The loss of Heather and the pain I know her kids, husband and mother endure and the battle my brother fights every single day.  I pray for Heather's immediate family and her friends.  I pray for comfort and peace.  I pray for strength for my brother and guidance for the right choices.   Mostly, though, I focus on the amazing love within our family and how, no matter what, we end up always being there for each other.
  • My friends:  Daily I reminded just how BLESSED I am here.  I feel very sad for people who cannot let others in, cannot have real friends.  They are missing one of the most amazing and wonderful blessings that exist.  I love my friends and I just hope I bless them as much as they bless ME.
  • My Job:  Certainly struggles remain there, no job comes without those!!!  But we have a fabulous new "boss" who I feel will help guide our amazing team to amazing things.  I look forward to 2012.  I am forever thankful for a good job that supports my financial needs!  
  • My kids:  Yes, they are "my family" but they certainly warrant their own separate line, don't they??  I have well mannered, sweet natured and funny as heck kids. I love them with an intensity that is indescribable.  The direct personal attacks on them this year, thought hard, also helped me to understand just how much I DO love them.   I am also forever thankful, that their father and I, continue to work together to parent them.
  • Luxuries:   Yup, call me greedy but I am thankful for things like my smartphone, computer, air conditioner-- things we too often do not realize ARE luxuries!!
  • The Minor Hardships I briefly mentioned in my opening:  Life has to have lessons and as hard as they are they do teach us, if we allow them too.
  • God:  He who provides all those things listed above and much, much, much more!

    Ok, so yeah, this really wasn't shorter than last year's was it?  HA.  Nobody should be surprised at that!!  

    I'll end with one of my favorite quotes of all times as a wish for you all for 2012:   "May the best of your yesterdays be the worst of your tomorrows."
Blessings and love!

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