Sew Not Easy

I decided to learn to sew .... bought a machine and everything.

As you can tell from my title page this is not an easy task (for me), lol

I'll share my journey here .......

For now, let me just say I bought a book (didn't help much and ordered a new one that hasn't arrived yet), tried to take a class at Jo-Ann's but they are booked for months and have searched dozens and dozens of online tutorials.  Finally found one site I think might actually help me.

Some things I learned as someone who had never even touched a sewing machine:

  • A friend suggested buying a basic machine.  No need to spend all that money on digital and/or a kazillion stitch options, etc.  Should I decided I want/need that ...... I can do it later.  Although chances are I won't.  Not because I do not plan to stick with it .... but because a basic machine is good enough for a non-professional.  It will do all a person needs.  Essentially I looked for the following in my search:  automatic threading, 1-step buttonhole foot, and less that 100.00 (lol).  I bought a Singer Esteem II on sale at Target for 99.00 and used my debit/red-card to get an additional 5% off.  
  • IF your machine comes with a DVD (mine did) that walks you through the first steps -- watch it all before you do anything.  Then watch it again.  And again.  They are very short videos and you may think it is a waste of time but it is NOT.  You're going to use the same amount of time, if not more, trying to do things one at a time and not succeeding.
  • After you watch the entire video a few times ... THEN and only then attempt the first step which is winding your bobbin.  As you do this ... watch the video as you go along.  ALSO read the steps, one at a time, in your pamphlet that comes with your machine.  This may sound like repetitiveness but it helps.  It really does.
  • Typically after you wind your bobbin with thread you will then thread your needle.  The first part of guiding through here and through there and up here is easy -- most machines even have guides printed on them.  I had to watch the part of the video about the automatic 3 or 4 times .... before I could SEE what notch they were sliding the thread behind, etc.
    Once you can wind bobbin and thread your machine ... do it again.  And again.  And ....again.  Go back the next day and do it again .... and again .... and again until it all feel natural. Until you do not have to stop and think or consult the manual.  You'll find you can do it all quickly and without any stressful moments!
  • Once you wind your bobbin and thread your needle you will have to load the bobbin and pull the thread up the foot so you can sew. I struggled with this because I was making a simple error.  I was putting the bobbin case into place without holding and then snapping into place the little latch ON the bobbin case.  Once I realized this .... easy peasy.
  •  It seems tedious but you have to follow every-single-step.  Not doing so results in a lot of frustration and the desire to quit.  Once you can do all of these steps ... practice them.  Because sewing straight and with the proper tension comes next and you do not want to battle getting them all right at the same time.  This is a STEPS process.

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