Sunday, July 21, 2013

Being a tad lazy this Sunday morning ;-)

although it is almost time to put down the laptop and really start the day ;-)

I love Pinterest .... tons of good recipes, craft ideas and quotes.  I <3 Quotes.

Each quote can, and usually does, mean something different to everyone who reads it.

I saw this one this morning and it caught my eye:

This is one that can be taken in many ways, ways I am sure I won't think since every mind and soul is individual.  It can mean:

You see what you want to see, even if unconsciously.

You look for good, you find it, even if is isn't really good.  You look for bad, you find it, even if it is completely made up or justified in your own mind.

Those are just two things, off the top of my almost out of time head!   I think sometimes when we are especially emotional and looking for "answers" or trying to "justify" our own feelings we see exactly what we want to see.  If we are angry at a person or think they have done something, we will SEE that something wrong, even if it isn't really there.  Why?  Because it is what we think we NEED to see.  It is what we WANT to be.

Like, it is easier to think someone who tried to tell you a potentially painful truth made it up instead of facing it dead on.

I've run from the truth before, truth that I SHOULD have seen.  But didn't.  Probably because it was too painful to face.

I've also BEEN the truth someone refuses to face.  I've been the person someone examines and looks for the "bad" in instead.   A normal deflective reaction I believe.

So yeah, I've been on the "avoid the truth"  side of the fence and the "I'm seriously telling you the truth you're avoiding" side of the fence ...... each side of this fence is equally hard to be on.  For different reasons. But ya know -- if you meet at the fence amazing things can happen.    

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