Thursday, July 11, 2013

What came first? The Chicken or the Egg?

Karma or something like that ....... 

The picture up there says, "what goes around, comes back around" ... and there are many more sayings about "Karma", we've all heard them, right?  Things like:

Karma is only a bitch if you are.

How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours.

No need for revenge, sit back and watch Karma kick their ass.

I saw that - (signed) Karma

Your actions cause Karma's reaction.

Welcome to Karma Cafe, there are no menus.  You will be served what you deserve.

Most people who talk about Karma, do so because they've had some kind of pain "served" to them.  Right? So is this, this pain, their own Karma visiting them?   Are they being served what they deserve?  If not  .... why do bad things happen to good people?  Is this like the age old question, "What came first?  The chicken or the egg?".

I've had a lot of conversations with friends over the years about Karma.  I'm not much into wishing it on anyone. I am not much into the whole, "HA, see what happens??" mentality.   I'm a great big wussy, overly sensitive, crybaby and I don't want anyone to suffer, even people I struggle to like.  Well, outside of inhumane humans such as child rapists, etc ... but that's not what I am talking about here. I admit to having no compassion there, right or wrong.    I am talking about every day LIFE and what we do to each other, every day.
I think most of us, if honest, can admit we've done wrong to people.  Not always on purpose, but "wrong" just the same.  I wonder, though, how many of us when visited by the Karma Bus (and, Hey, keep in mind sometimes Karma is GOOD, not just BAD) sit back and think "OK, what did I DO to deserve this?".   

When we are surrounded by blessings do we think back and try to remember times we WERE blessings? Or better yet, try to  maintain a life of BEING a blessing?

When we are slammed with heartache after heartache do we think back and try to remember when we hurt others?  Or better yet, try to maintain a life of NOT hurting others?

Most of us know people who are what we call "GOOD PEOPLE" who have suffered tremendous and unimaginable pain.  Most of us at some point and time have asked ourselves and others, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"

Most of us, have GOOD and BAD in our lives.  So, does that mean most of us have GOOD and BAD inside of us .... and we sometimes behave badly, sometimes we do good?

I am not saying Karma doesn't exist .... I sort of believe it does, I am just not sure how I believe it works .... 

I'm just saying we need to think about it realistically. We need to think about it for ourselves and not just people who cause us pain, frustration or anger.  We need to be careful of rejoicing when others experience Karma .... because maybe Karma doesn't like that way of thinking.

I tend to think we all need to try (and I say try because we ARE human after all) to follow the Golden Rule: 

 Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.

Live.  Be kind.  Be compassionate.  When faced with tough decisions think of others who may be involved and their feelings, not just yourself.  But don't allow yourself to be abused, used or misused.  Sometimes that "Do unto others ...." thing also means "Treat YOURSELF they way you want others to treat you.".

Life sure can be complicated, yes?

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